LONDON, England, January 26, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – According to the findings of the newly-released, government-backed British Social Attitudes Report, British society has become more accepting of homosexuality.
One pro-family researcher reacted to the report’s findings, observing that the trend towards greater support for homosexuality will continue as long as media, schools, and government continue promoting homosexualism through what she called “massive propaganda.”
The report maintains that “society as a whole is becoming more liberal about homosexuality.” “The only barrier to this trend continuing,” it says, “would be an unforeseen event that affects people’s views.”
The survey asked respondents to complete the sentence “sexual relations between two adults of the same sex are...,” with possible answers of “always/mostly wrong,” “sometimes wrong,” “rarely wrong,” and “not wrong at all.”
The percentage of respondents answering that same-sex relations are “always/mostly wrong” rose between 1983 and 1987, from 63 percent to 75 percent, which the report says was linked to heightened concern over the AIDS crisis. The authors claim that after 1987 this percentage “has since declined steadily to reach 36 per cent at the most recent reading in 2007.”
However, the decline isn’t quite as uniformly “steady” as the authors report it to be, since the percentage of those disapproving of homosexual sexual relations has actually risen since the last report, in 2006.